Accessibility Statement

At the Virtual Design and Construction Institute (VDCI), we are committed to providing equal access and opportunity for individuals with disabilities, in compliance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its regulations. We strive to make our website and online learning platform, Matrix, as accessible as possible for all users, including those with disabilities.

We are constantly working to improve the accessibility of our website and online learning platform in compliance with Section 188 of the WIOA, which requires that recipients of financial assistance under Title I of the WIOA provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from the VDCI’s programs and activities.

Here are the steps we are taking to make our website and online learning platform more accessible in compliance with WIOA:

  • Ensuring that all images and videos have alternative text
  • Providing transcripts for all audio and video content
  • Organizing the content in a logical and consistent manner
  • Using clear and simple language
  • Providing an option for larger font sizes
  • Ensuring that all forms are easy to fill out
  • Making sure that all links are clearly labeled
  • Providing an accessible format or alternative means of communication for any information or communication

If you have any difficulty accessing our website or online learning platform, please contact us. We will do our best to provide the information you need in a format that works for you.

We welcome feedback on the accessibility of our website and online learning platform. If you have any comments or suggestions on how we can improve the accessibility of our website or online learning platform in compliance with WIOA, please contact us.

Students with disabilities that wish to request disability accommodations may do so through the following methods:

  1. Providing Copies of any IEPs and Section 504 or other individualized plans.
  2. Signed and dated certification that is on letterhead from an appropriately licensed health care provider, which
    • describes any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity;
    • identifies the major life activity or activities impacted;
    • describes how the impairment affects the student’s ability to participate in VDCI’s courses, programs, or activities; and
    • specifically describes any accommodation or modification recommended and the relationship between the requested modification and the impairment.

Accommodation requests will need to be submitted ten days before the desired enrollment course cycle start date. If you require further accommodations, please review the Reasonable Accommodations document and request an Accommodation form